
premiering june 6–7, 13–14, & 20–21, 2019 at Dixon Place


With XIV, renowned performance artist and activist George Emilio Sanchez melds autobiography and history in a fearless performance that conveys the injustices racialized communities face as they fight for ‘equal protection of the laws’. Revolving around a 1946 class action lawsuit by 5 Mexican-American families to have their children enrolled in Orange County, CA public schools by applying the 14th Amendment, XIV serves as a creative counterpoint to the current events surrounding the realities of undocumented “dreamers” and the vitriolic calls for building a Wall.

With humor and spoken word testimony as poetic-protest, Sanchez embodies a response to what we are seeing unfold before us – marginalized people struggling to survive within a broken landscape, pitting constitutional ideals against the experience of being treated as unequal and inferior.



Map of Alta California